Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Interview Mistakes

We all know that a job interview is something that is very important. We also know that there are some mistakes that a person can make when he or she has a job interview. These mistakes can be simple ones but they may cause the person to fail a job interview. Here are some of the common mistakes that people sometimes make in a job interview.

1. Not knowing important information about the company

If you don’t get enough information about the company you’d like to work at, this will make you look bad. People will ask why you came to the job interview in the first place.

2. Arriving late for a job interview

If you have a job interview, make sure you arrive on time. Arriving on time will show the person who interviews you that you are punctual. This will give a good impression and you may end up getting the job you want.

3. Being very nervous

We all feel nervous when we have a job interview but if you show that you are very nervous or are afraid during an interview, the person may think that you will not do a good job if you are hired. Also being too nervous may make it not easy to show that you have the skills that are needed for the job. You may not exchange eye contact with the person who interviews you because you feel very nervous. You may also not answer questions well because you feel nervous.

4. Telling lies about your skills

Some people tell lies about their skills to make sure they get the job they want. They may tell lies about their past work experience or education. Sooner or later, supervisors will find out about their level of skills and they may lose the job after getting it.

5. Talking badly about former bosses or colleagues

If you talk badly about your former boss or colleagues, the person who interviews you can get the feeling that you are a bad or lazy person. He or she will think that you will do the same with your colleagues at the new workplace. The person may think that you are a troublemaker.

6. Not turning your mobile off

If you don’t turn your mobile off before a job interview, this can show the person who interviews you that you are careless. It will be a disaster if you answer a phone call during a job interview. The person who interviews you will surely get angry and you can kiss the job goodbye.

7. Wearing informal clothes

Selecting what to wear for a job interview is really important. If you want to leave a good impression, dress something formal. No jeans or short skirts are to be worn. Also don’t use too much perfume if you are going to a job interview.

8. Using bad language

If you use bad language during a job interview, this can leave a bad impression on the person who asks you questions. They will soon find out that you don’t have any people skills and will cause trouble if you start working. Make sure you think about what you say before you start talking.

9. Not paying attention to the questions asked

You need to listen carefully and give answers related to the questions that you are asked. If you keep talking for a few minutes about something different from the questions asked, this will give a bad impression. They will see that you talk too much but say too little. The person who interviews you will thank that you don’t know the answer and are trying to cover up for your ignorance.

10. Not knowing how to answer tricky questions

In any job interview there are some tricky questions that you can be asked. If you don’t train yourself on how to answer them, you may end up not getting the job you want. In some situations, it is good not to be too honest when you answer some questions like when you talk about your weaknesses.