Friday, November 18, 2011

Fire in a Hotel

A fire broke out in the early hours of the morning in a hotel in the city of Melbourne. The fire started at 2:55 am and two fire trucks rushed to the scene. Nearly all the hotel residents were asleep at the time of the fire. Police and emergency services arrived at the scene four minutes after the fire was reported.

Police later announced that one person was dead and three others wounded. The wounded were taken to a nearby hospital. They are still in the emergency department. Doctors said that their lives were not in danger and they were expected to be discharged from hospital in a few days. Police are still trying to contact the family of the person who died.

Police have started investigating the cause of the fire. A worker said that the fire started when one of the residents fell asleep while smoking a cigarette. The bed mattress imediately caught fire. The resident rushed out of his room to warn others who were still asleep. The police will interview the hotel worker and the resident who was smoking in bed. They refused to give any more comments to journalists outside the building.

One police officer said that workers in the hotel were helping residents get out of the building. They all had fire training one week ago. The owner of the hotel said that there were fire alarms and extinguishers in every floor of the hotel. The damage to the hotel has been estimated to be over one million dollars.

Listen to your classmate and fill in the gaps:
A fire broke out in the early hours of the ................... in a hotel in the city of Melbourne. The fire started at 2:55 am and two fire trucks ..................... to the scene. Nearly all the hotel residents were asleep at the time of the fire. Police ................... emergency services arrived at the scene four minutes after .................. fire was reported.

Police later announced that one person was dead and ..................... others wounded. The wounded were taken to a nearby hospital. They are still ................... the emergency department. Doctors said that their lives were not .................. danger and they were expected to be discharged from hospital in a few days. Police ................. still trying to contact the family of the person who died.

Police have started investigating the cause of the fire. A ...................... said that the fire started when one of the residents fell asleep while smoking a cigarette. The bed mattress imediately caught fire. The resident rushed out of his room to .................... others who were still asleep. The police will interview the ...................... worker and the resident who was smoking in bed. They refused to give any .......................... comments to journalists outside the building.

One police officer said that workers in ......................... hotel were helping residents get out of the building. They all had fire training one week ago. The owner .......................... the hotel said that there were fire alarms and extinguishers in every floor of the ....................... . The damage to the hotel has been estimated to be over .............................. million dollars.

Answer these questions:
  1. Where did the fire break out?
  2. At what time did the fire start?
  3. Where were most of the residents at the time of the fire?
  4. Who rushed to the fire scene?
  5. How long did it take the fire brigade to arrive at the scene?
  6. What did one hotel worker say?
  7. Who will the police interview?
  8. How many people died in the fire?
  9. What did doctors at the emergency department say about the wounded?
  10. How much is the damage expected to cost the hotel owner?
  11. What did all workers in the hotel have a week ago?