Thursday, October 20, 2011


How old must new students be when they go to primary school in your country?

Do you like your English class at AMES?

How do teachers teach in your country?

What are the differences between learning in your country and in Australia?

How do you get into university in your country?

What do you need to do if you want to get into university in Australia?

Do you have TAFE schools in your country?

How many days per week do students have to go to school in your country?

Do you think schools in your country are better than the ones we have here in Australia?

What are your plans after you finish this course?

What do you like about studying at AMES?

Do students in your country have to wear uniforms?

What do you think should be done to improve the English class at AMES?

How many hours do you spend studying at home?

Were you a top student when you were young?

Do teachers get a lot of money in your country?

How many students are there in a normal class in your country?

Do you have any friends from school who became doctors?

How do you help your children when they have school homework?

What subjects did you like when you were young?

What teachers did you dislike when you were young? Why?

Do you like using computers when you were a student?

Do school prepare you for work in Australia?

What other courses are you interested in?

Do you use the internet to learn English?

How many years do students spend in high schools in Australia?

What are some of the differences between public and private schools?

How many students are normally there in an average school in your country?

Are teachers in your country very strict?

Do parents help children study at home in your country or do they send them to private tutors?

Do private schools in your country cost a lot of money?

Is it a good idea for parents to send their children to private schools?

Do children get free meals in your country when they go to school?

Do you think having good computer skills can make it easy for you to learn English?

What are the good things about speaking English well?

How many hours do you spend at home studying English per week?