Saturday, October 31, 2009

An Artist

My name is Ahmed. I come from Egypt. I am 30 years old and I am married. I live in Footscray. I live in a small house in Barkly Street. My postcode is 3011. I am an artist. I paint pictures.

I have been living in Australia for one year now. When I came to Australia I could not get a job. My English was very bad. I needed to get a job. I needed to pay my rent and buy food.

I finished three paintings. Some people liked them. They gave me $1000 for my first painting. I bought a used car. It was not new. It was 10 years old.
I sold the second one for $1500. I sold the third one for $4000. Now I have a lot of money. I do a lot of painting. I finish a new painting every week. I make a lot of money every week.

Now I need to improve my English. I am a good painter but I can't speak English well. I will go to school to learn English. When I speak good English I want to open an art gallery. I want to sell more paintings there.
(If you like this oil painting, you can copy and use it on your computer. I hope you like it first - Ibrahim Mohamed)
Fill in the missing words: 
money - sell - buy - get - English - married
My name is Ahmed. I come from Egypt. I am 30 years old and I am ......... I live in Footscray. I live in a small house in Barkly Street. My postcode is 3011. I am an artist. I paint pictures. I have been living in Australia for one year now. When I came to Australia I could not ........ a job. My English was very bad. I needed to get a job. I needed to pay my rent and ........ food. I finished three paintings. Some people liked them. They gave me $1000 for my first painting. I bought a used car. It was not new. It was 10 years old. I sold the second one for $1500. I sold the third one for $4000. Now I have a lot of money. I do a lot of painting. I finish a new painting every week. I make a lot of ............ every week.  Now I need to improve my English. I am a good painter but I can't speak ............. well. I will go to school to learn English. When I speak good English I want to open an art gallery. I want to .......... more paintings there.
Can you find some mistakes? 
My name is Ahmed. I come from America. I am 30 years old and I am married. I live in Footscray. I live in a small house in Barkly Street. My postcode is 3011. I am an artist. I paint pictures. I have been living in Australia for seven year now. When I came to Australia I could not get a job. My English was very bad. I needed to get a job. I needed to pay my rent and buy food. I finished three sandwiches. Some people liked them. They gave me $1000 for my first painting. I bought a used car. It was not new. It was 10 years old. I sold the second one for $1500. I sold the third one for $4000. Now I have a lot of work. I do a lot of painting. I finish a new painting every week. I make a lot of money every week. Now I need to improve my life. I am a good painter but I can't speak English well. I will go to school to learn English. When I speak good English I want to open an art gallery. I want to see more paintings there.
Fill in the missing letters:
My name is Ahmed. I come from Eg_pt. I am 30 years old and I am m_rried. I live in Foo_scray. I live in a small house in Barkly Street. My pos_code is 3011. I am an artist. I paint pictures. I have been living in Australia for one year now. Wh_n I came to Austr_lia I could not get a job. My English was ve_y bad. I nee_ed to get a job. I needed to pay my rent and buy food. I finished three paintings. Some people liked them. They gave me $1000 for my first pain_ing. I bou_ht a used car. It was not n_w. It was 10 years old. I sold the second one for $1500. I sold the third one for $4000. Now I have a lot of money. I do a lot of painting. I finish a new painting e_ery week. I make a lot of m_ney every week. Now I need to im_rove my English. I am a good painter but I can't speak English well. I will go to sch_ol to learn English. When I speak good Engl_sh I want to open an art gal_ery. I want to sell more paintings there.